Celebrate Lammas and the beginning of the harvest season

lammas lughnasadh Aug 07, 2024

August 6, 2024 - Today as the sun reaches its zenith at 15 degrees of Leo, we celebrate Solar Lammas, a time of abundance, gratitude, and community. 🌞✨ Lammas, also known as Lughnasadh, marks the midpoint between the summer solstice and autumn equinox, symbolizing the first harvest of the season. This sacred day invites us to honor the fruits of our labor and the blessings bestowed upon us by the Earth.
Lammas - Aug 1 - Midway point
Solar Lammas - Aug 6 Sun reaches 15' Leo
Lunar Lammas - Aug 19 Aquarius Full Moon 
Here at the Black Swan Temple & Farm, we are joyfully harvesting dozens of pineapples, a golden symbol of nature’s bounty and the sweetness of life. 🍍🌿
Traditionally, Lammas is celebrated with feasts, songs, and communal gatherings. People bake bread from the first grains harvested, a symbol of sharing the earth’s bounty. Corn dollies are crafted as a representation of the harvest spirit, and bonfires are lit to honor the sun’s powerful energy. It’s a time for gratitude rituals, where communities come together to give thanks for the abundance received and to share with those in need.
At the Black Swan Temple & Farm, we celebrate by connecting deeply with the land, expressing gratitude for its gifts, and juicing and sharing our harvest with our community. We invite you to join us in this joyous occasion, embracing the traditions of Lammas with love, light, and togetherness. May the energy of Solar Lammas inspire you to celebrate your own harvests and the abundance in your life.
With love and blessings from the Black Swan Temple & Farm team