Are you attuned to your deeper self? Do you accept your shadow parts? On April 23, 2024, the Scorpio Full Moon will illuminate the way to inspire you in a profound spiritual transformation. This full moon also marks Lunar Beltane, which is the lunar midway point between the Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. The air is infused with the vibrant, fertile energy of renewal and growth of Spring. With these potent activating energies, you are being called to unravel your inner truth and most authentic expressions.
Scorpio is all about exploring the subconscious, the psyche, and the unknown. This Pink Full Moon brings in an opportunity for deep emotional transformation. You may feel more compelled than ever to explore the depths of your feelings, even if it's uncomfortable. Don’t worry, as this introspection will lead you to create more positive changes in your life. Take this time to:
Trust your intuition. As Pisces influences the moon’s alignment with Saturn for boundaries, Mars for personal power, and Uranus for radical change, this period offers intuitive insights into your inner truth, inviting you to delve into your emotional body, even if it's uncomfortable.
See the bigger picture. Jupiter-Uranus is highly influential during this lunation, bringing values of independence, freedom, and sovereignty. This celestial alignment urges you to see certain situations for what they are and realize how they may be impeding your spiritual evolution. It’s time to free yourself from the spaces that no longer serve you.
Become self-aware. Scorpio and Mercury retrograde in Aries are teaming up to bring your attention towards yourself. The pause is necessary to allow the water sign's intensity and the fire sign's boldness for a deep introspection - Where are you growing? Where do you need boundaries? Where do you feel empowered?
Don't shy away from the depth – instead, embrace it! Let this be a transformative period of releasing what’s no longer serving your growth to make space for where you’re meant to be.
Visit our Community for more Scorpio Ritual ideas to harness this potent transformative lunation.