Ready to start new projects? Do you want to fuel your passion? Coming in this June 6, 2024, is the New Moon in dynamic Gemini, helping you to set your intentions and move forward. It’s the perfect time to go out there, and embrace your expression, as long as you stay adaptable to the cosmic movements!
Gemini is about communication, curiosity and making connections. This earth sign’s adaptable nature encourages you to have an open mind and use this ideal time for learning. If you’ve been mentally brewing new ideas and insights, even if you consider them out of the norm, Gemini is here to encourage you to embody your creativity! Make the most out of this season to:
Open your mind to different perspectives. The transformative shifts from progressive Jupiter and Pluto and the disciplinarian Saturn-Venus conjunction encourage you to see things from various angles. You might have new ways of appreciating your progress and avoid being overcritical of yourself.
Be more intentional. The Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are asking you to slow down, as there could be instances of feeling burnt out. While we may have the urge to act out our ideas, taking a break constantly would allow us to consider the intention behind our actions.
Positive self-talk. Your invigorating zest for success is highly supported by Mars, in its house sign of Aries. Take this moment to extend some positive affirmations to yourself. Build your inner strength and let your confidence shine.
The world is yours to explore! Just remember to ground yourself and don’t overexert. Get out there and turn your visions into reality!
Harness the energy of this lunation with some deepening exercises by joining our Gemini Self Guided Ritual in our Free Community: