August 1st is Lammas, Lughnasadh (or Lughnasa), an ancient Gaelic holiday that marks the beginning of the harvest season. We've been harvesting pineapples, passion fruit, flowers, blue lotus flowers and lots of herbs these days!
In the Gaelic tradition, people would gather at this time to honor the god, Lugh, who was associated with the sun, livelihood, agriculture, and craftsmanship.
This time marks the midway point between the Summer Solstice and Autumn Equinox!
Lammas Dates
Lunar Lammas (full moon closest) - August 1st
Lammas - August 2nd
Solar Lammas (15 degrees Leo) - August 8th (Lions Gate)
While this festive day is more popularly known as a time to celebrate the harvest season, it's also a special day to show some grace to the progress, the in-betweens, and the process, which is as beautiful as the fruition itself.
May this be a reminder that it may not be your time to harvest the wheat from your fields now, but the rich energy is still at work in your life. You have your own abundant season ahead. There are things that are growing in your life, whether you realize it or not!
This energy is quietly working in the background. In fact, you grow every time you keep pushing and giving your heart to your vision. And that is something worthy of celebrating! All your efforts, even just for showing up every single day, are going to bear fruits in time!
Pause for a moment at this mid-point in Summer. Look into your inner life, and consider the ways you've been stretching & growing. What fruit do you see forming in your life? What dreams do you want to bring to fruition?
Take some time to recognize how hard you've been working because you deserve it as much as anybody else.