Are you resistant to change? How willing are you to start anew? This May 7, 2024, Taurus New Supermoon reminds us what true stability is, which ironically involves change.
Taurus, known for its grounded nature and desire for security, urges us to seek comfort in the familiar and build foundations that stand the test of time. However, the strong astrological movements bring a series of shifts that challenge our notions of stability and invite us to better life foundations through transformative changes. Make the most out of this season to:
Own your truth. Mars in Aries brings a fast-paced energy that clashes with Taurus’ desire for stability. You are being invited to face issues that have been manifesting in your life for too long. As you confront them, build a solid inner state for honest introspection and self-assessment.
Become open. Jupiter and Gemini are also teaming up to bring regeneration into your life. As a planet of expansion and a sign representing communication, you may receive new information, insights, and clarity about your life ordeals that demand you choose the road that leads to personal growth.
Know when to pause. This month, Pluto's dynamic influence in Aquarius eases, marking a slowdown from the intense cosmic shifts about uncomfortable truths we've faced since January. While prioritizing progress may be your goal, acknowledging the need to step back and recharge is also part of your journey.
Remember, true stability is not found in resisting change but in our ability to adapt and evolve! Become courageous this season and harness the period to lay down the groundwork for your better and stable future!
Join us for our free online Taurus New Moon Sound & Light Transmission.
Wednesday, May 8th | 11am HT/ 2pm PT/ 5pm ET
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